

Dr. Juan Lugo Marin

Doctor of Administrative Sciences

Industrial Engineer (UNEFM, 1992). Specialist and Master Scientiarum in Management of Quality and Productivity (UNEFM, 1995 and 1997). Doctor in Administrative Sciences (UNESR, 2007). Post-doctorate in Business and Futures Studies at the Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary (2007), also developing Research at the Futures Studies Department of the same university together with the Association of Futurists of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

He worked as a Quality Engineer (1992-1998) for Engineering, Procurement and Construction projects in the Oil and Gas sector for Petróleos de Venezuela. Since 1998 he has led projects as Lead Consultant for the development and implementation of management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 17020, ISO 17025, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001) in companies in Latin America (Venezuela, Peru, Colombia, Bolivia, Panama and Argentina) and the United States. Developing consulting projects in a wide range of sectors such as: Engineering, Construction, Operation of facilities in the Oil and Gas sector, Inspection Services, Production of Cosmetics and Dietary Products, among others. Extensive experience as a Management Systems Auditor since 1994, having trained as an Auditor with the French Association for Standardization (AFNOR) and FONDONORMA.

He has extensive academic experience at the university level (1993-2017) standing out as a professor in engineering careers, master’s degrees and doctorates. He has developed a long career as a researcher in the areas of quality management, strategic prospective, business models and productivity engineering. He is the author of various books, including: Quality Management in the Digital Economy and Strategies to promote Quality Management, among others. He has been the author of a significant number of scientific articles, papers and conferences in the academic field at the Latin American level.